Schaeuble Tells Lew He’d Gladly Swap Greece for Puerto Rico

Δημοσιεύθηκε 10 Ιουλίου, 2015 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: EU, Greece, Ξενόγλωσσα, USA

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by Rainer Buergin
July 9, 2015 — 11:40 AM EDT
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Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany’s finance minister, speaks as he addresses a Deutsche Bundesbank conference in Frankfurt, Germany, on Thursday, July 9, 2015.
Photographer: Martin Leissl/Bloomberg

Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister who’s taking a hard line on Greece’s debt woes, says he’d gladly swap burdens with his American counterpart.

“I offered my friend Jack Lew these days that we could take Puerto Rico into the euro zone if the U.S. were willing to take Greece into the dollar union,” Schaeuble said at an event in Frankfurt Thursday. Lew, the U.S. Treasury secretary, “thought that was a joke,” Schaeuble said.

Puerto Rico, a U.S. commonwealth, is struggling with $72 billion in debt that its governor says the island can’t repay.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in his own words

Δημοσιεύθηκε 8 Οκτωβρίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Israel, Ξενόγλωσσα

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Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in his own words

The far-right Israeli cleric Rabbi Ovadia Yosef has made comments that would be condemned if they came from an Iranian leader.

By , Staff writer / October 7, 2013

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men gather on a balcony as they watch the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the ultra-religious Shas political party, in Jerusalem October 7, 2013. More than half a million mourners turned out on Monday for the funeral of Yosef, an Iraqi-born sage who transformed an Israeli underclass of Sephardic Jews of Middle East heritage into a powerful political force.

Baz Ratner/Reuters


Ovadia Yosef, an ultra-orthodox Sephardic Israeli rabbi whose popularity among religious Israelis, particularly those whose families came to Israel from the Arab world, led to the creation of the Shas movement and a hard lurch right in Israeli politics, is being praised throughout Israel after his passing today.

Staff writer

Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor’s international desk, focused on the Middle East. Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in Jerusalem, April 20, 1997.

Eyal Warshavsky/AP/File

Enlarge Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his «profound grief» and said that «the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation.»

There is no doubt that Yosef is a major figure in Israeli political and social history – he arrived in Israel at the age of four, in the mid-1920s, and the power of the political movement he built is responsible for the public praise he’s garnering today. But Yosef’s undisguised bigotry and religious political extremism could also prove awkward for politicians like Mr. Netanyahu, who just last week complained that Iranians aren’t allowed to wear jeans or listen to Western music by the country’s own religious extremists (never mind that neither of his assertions were true).

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Netanyahu has been campaigning of late against any rapprochement between the US and Iran, warning that seeming Iranian willingness to negotiate over its nuclear program is a trap and that the Islamic Republic’s leaders are fundamentally unstable and untrustworthy.

«They’re governed by Ayatollah Khamenei. He heads a cult. That cult is wild in its ambitions and its aggression,” Netanyahu told NBC last week. In his speech at the UN last month, he complained of the «fanaticism» of Iran’s religiously based state.

Yet he and many Israeli leaders embrace and praise Yosef, the Baghdad-born cleric who served as Israel’s chief Sephardi rabbi for a decade before focusing on direct political power. His religiously inspired views have given more political power to clerics in Israel, and his ultimate agenda frightened non-Jews.

For instance, in 2010 he said in a weekly Saturday night sermon that the sole purpose God put non-Jews on earth was to be servants to Jews.

«Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,» he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. «Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.» An «effendi» is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Yosef also favored the large number of ultra-Orthodox men who eschew modern education, focus only on Torah study, and are exempted from military service in Israel while largely subsisting on government handouts.

It was his comments about non-Jews that were the ugliest. In 2010 he said of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the people he leads that «all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians.»

On Arabs in general, he said in 2001, «It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable.» In 2009 he said of Muslims «their religion is as ugly as they are.»

That sort of rhetoric, when heard from Arab or Iranian clerics directed towards Israelis or Jews in general is usually (and rightly) harshly condemned by Israeli leaders like Netanyahu as beyond the pale.

Yosef also had regressive views on the role of women and gays in society. In 2007, angry that many Ashkenazi rabbis supported allowing women to say a blessing over Shabbat candles after they’d been lit, he said: «Women should make (stew) and not deal with matters of the Torah.» He said that anyone disagree with him was the fault of «a few stupid women. A woman’s knowledge is only in sewing.»

As for gays and lesbians, he said they were «completely evil.»

To be sure, it’s not just in Israel where Yosef was popular. Bill de Blasio, the democrat who’s the current front-runner to be mayor of New York, had this to say about the departed rabbi today:

Prism: how can this level of state surveillance be legal?

Δημοσιεύθηκε 19 Ιουνίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Ξενόγλωσσα, USA

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Prism: how can this level of state surveillance be legal?

It’s hard to see how any system that captures data from millions of law-abiding citizens satisfies our right to privacy

Presidio Modelo, Cuba's Panoptican prison

Presidio Modelo, Cuba. ‘The bricks and mortar of Bentham’s Panopticon have been replaced by cyber-surveillance systems.’ Photograph: Wolfi Poelzer/Alamy

In the late 18th century the philosopher Jeremy Bentham developed a new type of institutional establishment which had a singular advantage over its predecessors: it allowed the authorities to observe inmates without their being able to tell in any particular moment whether or not they were being watched. The name given to this new architectural form of state control was Panopticon, literally meaning «watch all».

In our modern digital world the bricks and mortar of Bentham’s Panopticon have been replaced by a network of cyber-surveillance systems. Now the inmates are not incarcerated criminals or the unhappy occupants of the asylums but potentially everyone on the planet, or at least anyone who has actively embraced the internet. Certainly, that is what the revelations about Prism seem to suggest. But is the deployment of such all-encompassing and apparently indiscriminate surveillance systems itself lawful? Is this something which as a matter of law we are obliged to tolerate, despite its ostensibly chilling effect on civil liberties?

Answering those questions from the perspective of our domestic law is not easy. This is not least because the law governing the use of surveillance by the state in the UK is complex, and still relatively untested. Those who have dipped their toes into the murky world of surveillance law will know there are typically three legal regimes which have to be considered, all of which focus to a greater or lesser extent on the concept of personal privacy.

First, there is Article 8 of the European convention on human rights, incorporated into domestic law through provisions in the Human Rights Act 1998. Article 8 recognises that all human beings enjoy a fundamental right to privacy. This right certainly extends to an individual’s private online activities. A state agency that snoops on an individual’s private e-activities will be acting unlawfully for the purposes of Article 8 unless the interference with privacy rights can be justified.

An interference will be justified only if it is both in accordance with the law and necessary in order to serve certain specified legitimate aims, including the aims of preserving national security, public safety or economic wellbeing. Importantly, an interference with privacy rights will not be lawful for Article 8 purposes if it is disproportionate. Put simply, the state cannot lawfully use a surveillance sledgehammer to crack a small albeit socially offensive nut.

Second, there is the Data Protection Act 1998, derived from the European data protection directive. This is a fairly intricate enactment that embodies a number of detailed rules relating to the circumstances in which personal data – including not only written information but also photographs, voice recordings and other recorded data – may lawfully be processed. The conceptual spinal cord on which the rules hang is that personal data must be managed in a way that avoids excessive infringements of privacy rights. In that sense, the effects of the Data Protection Act are similar to those of Article 8. The data protection rules will certainly provisionally apply to any personal data which may be obtained by the UK government from a foreign state, and also to any the government may itself wish to transfer abroad.

However, critically, the rules are effectively disapplied in any case where the government certifies that this is necessary for the purposes of safeguarding national security. The scope for challenging a national security certificate is very limited. Perhaps even more significantly, the affected individuals will only be able to contemplate a challenge if they know the state has disapplied the rules in their case. The difficulty here is that the disapplication of the rules may itself result in a situation where individuals are kept in the dark about what is happening to their data.

Third, there is the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Ripa). This fiendishly complex enactment is essentially intended to set out the circumstances in which secret surveillance activities undertaken by the state must be treated as lawful. Thus, for example, it sets out the circumstances in which individuals may lawfully be subject to surveillance (like using surveillance devices or covert human intelligence sources). It is clear that Ripa was enacted above all in order to ensure that the state was not using the veil of secrecy to conduct surveillance activities which unjustly interfered with the privacy rights of citizens.

But a fundamental difficulty with Ripa, as with the Data Protection Act, is that it is difficult to detect when abuses are taking place. The secret nature of the surveillance being undertaken means that the subjects of the surveillance are themselves not in a position to hold the relevant authorities to account.

Standing back from the detail, two things become clear. First, as a matter of domestic law, any surveillance system deployed by the state must operate in a proportionate manner. It is hard to see how any surveillance system that enabled the state indiscriminately to capture data relating to millions of law-abiding citizens could ever satisfy the requirements of Article 8. Second, it is a fundamental precondition to the exercise of legal rights that individuals know whether their rights have been infringed. Keeping the public in a state of ignorance about the very existence of super-surveillance systems is constitutionally offensive.

Even if there are good reasons why individual operations must remain secret in the national interest, there surely can be no justification for keeping people in the dark about dramatic expansions in the surveillance state. If super-surveillance systems are as all-encompassing and indiscriminate as the revelations about Prism tend to suggest, then all the more reason why these new modes of state watchfulness should be subject to robust scrutiny by both the public and the courts.

Of course we could simply sit back and accept the assurances given to us by our political leaders that the state can be relied upon to regulate itself, that it will scrupulously turn its attentions only to those who clearly seek to threaten our comfortable existence. But such a trusting, laissez-faire attitude is inherently naive. Our liberty as citizens depends very substantially on our ability to safeguard ourselves against arbitrary interference and excessive control by the state. If we abnegate our own responsibility to watch over the state’s burgeoning surveillance activities, the price we will pay is an inevitable loss of personal liberty in the face of an increasingly data-bloated and overweening state.


Δημοσιεύθηκε 18 Απριλίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: EU, Greece, Ξενόγλωσσα, USA


In the Shadow of Hermes

Δημοσιεύθηκε 16 Απριλίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Διεθνή

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The documentary In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen.

Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1974 admonished his countrymen:
«Live without lies!» This applies equally to the West. The Truth in our time is in no way self-evident. Most official facts about communism are not true. Solzhenitsyn emphasized: «In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state.»

The facts have been suppressed both in the East and the West.

The film «In the Shadow of Hermes» is an important documentation of those financial masonic forces that cold-bloodedly worked behind the scenes through communism to profit from the suffering of others.

The director, Jüri Lina, stresses that it is his duty to tell the truth about communism and its grey eminences, and not just superficially treat its psychopathic symptoms, while the truth today is not highly valued.

History is made every day, but by whom? The answer is given in this film, the aim of which is to unmask the truth, despite the falsifications of history, so meekly reported by the media.

To know the real history of communism is the best insurance against ideological impostors. Based on the book «Under the Sign of the Scorpion» by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish.

Early Evidence Indicates Boston Bombing Was a False Flag

Δημοσιεύθηκε 16 Απριλίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Η.Π.Α., Ξενόγλωσσα

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Brandon Turbeville

Activist Post

Only hours after two bombs were detonated near the finish line of a Boston marathon, evidence is beginning to emerge suggesting that the act may have been a false flag attack.

While reports continue to emerge from the scene, a number of facts point toward the typical setup used to devise, control, and execute such an attack as took place around the 9/11, 7/7, and OKC bombings as well as the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings.

One of the hallmark signals of a false flag attack, as Webster Tarpley has expertly demonstrated in his book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, is the use of drills acting as a cover for sinister plans and mechanizations within the halls of the shadow government itself which ultimately manifest as false flag terror attacks. Much like the aforementioned attacks, the Boston Bombing also carried the trademark “coincidence” of a drill scheduled to take place at almost exactly the same time that the bombs were being detonated at the marathon.

For instance, earlier in the morning of April 15, 2013, the Boston Globe tweeted “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”

In addition, it was reported by Business Insider in the article “2 More Explosive Devices Found At Boston Marathon,”[1] that a police scanner “said police were going to do a third, controlled explosion on the 600 Block of Boylston Street.”

Yet, despite the fact that the police had scheduled a highly “coincidental” explosion at the JFK Library, much of the mainstream reports regarding the device have presented it as another part of the Boston Bombing itself.

In fact, the New York Post reported almost the polar opposite of the Boston Globe in regards to the second device. It said, “Police confirmed a third explosion at JFK Library in Boston. Boston fire officials confirmed during a press conference that the third explosion was linked to the ones that occurred at the Marathon. There were no injuries reported from the third bombing.”

Andrew Katz of TIME tweeted that “police were investigating reports of bombs in other parts of the city,” and “Citing a police scanner, Katz tweeted that there was an ‘incendiary device’ possible at JFK Library as well as ‘another device’ in front of Boston’s luxury Mandarin Hotel.”

Business Insider also reported that, around 3 p.m., there was a fire inside the JFK Library but states that it was not related to the “terrorist bombings.” This, as I mentioned, is in direct contradiction to the later reports that the “fire” was actually an explosion related to the terror bombing.

Thus, we have a device planted inside the library by the police and confirmation that an explosion at the library was connected to the Boston Bombing. This fact alone should be enough to raise questions regarding the individuals responsible for the bombing. If the police had planted a device inside the Library and the explosion was related to the Boston Bombing, should there not be an immediate investigation of the police?

It should also be noted that Chris Faraone of the Boston Phoenix also tweeted that a police officer near the finish line stated, “There are secondary devices that have been found and are unexploded.”

Also interesting, however, is the fact that the University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, Ali Stevenson, stated that bomb sniffing dogs were present at both the start and finish lines.

Speaking to Local 15, the local Boston news station, Stevenson stated, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”

At this time, law enforcement officials state that they have identified a suspect, a Saudi national currently in the hospital for shrapnel wounds. One must also wonder if this individual is nothing more than a mere patsy in yet another government-sponsored false flag. It is highly dubious that an individual (with the exception of a suicide bomber which this individual’s survival excludes him from) setting off such powerful bombs would stand so close to them as to be injured by shrapnel.

Ali Stevenson also stated that there was no doubt in his mind that the bombings were intentional and this much is quite clear.

The question, however, is who was behind them?

As Mike Adams of Natural News writes, “It’s far too early to take an informed guess on all this. However, it is indisputable that the FBI is actively engaged in carrying out bomb plots in the United States, then halting them at the last minute to “catch the terrorists.” This fact has been covered by the New York Times, among other publications.”

Indeed. And the track record of the FBI, as well as other elements of the governmental establishment, should be reason enough for us to continue watching these developments and the subsequent claims made by these agencies and individuals.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over 200 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner

Δημοσιεύθηκε 7 Απριλίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Ξενόγλωσσα

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Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner

, Apr 6th 2013 Discuss [4]

There is a Skype trojan going around that is turning PCs into Bitcoin miners. So far, victims are mostly located in countries like Italy, Russia, Poland, Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, and a few others. Bitcoin Mining is a another way for users to acquire Bitcoin’s currency by “making computer hardware do mathematical calculations for the Bitcoin network to confirm transactions and increase security.”

Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner

The trojan is going around via a Skype instant message. The translated message says, “This is my favorite picture of you”, and provides a shortened link. The trojan is spreading quickly, with an average 2000 clicks per hour. Kaspersky has identified the trojan as “Trojan.Win32.Jorik.IRCbot.xkt”, and the process it runs as bitcoin-miner.exe. The malware connects to a C2 server located in Germany with the IP address:

Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner 1

The malware immediately takes control of your computer and increases the victim’s CPU usage drastically. While the trojan’s primary use is for Bitcoin mining, it’s not its only capability. Bitcoin mining isn’t lucrative with just one PC, however, if there are many PCs infected and aimed towards a specific Bitcoin mining pool, it can be worthwhile.

Skype trojan turns your computer into a Bitcoin miner 3

This new trojan is speculated to have surfaced due to the meteoric rise in Bitcoin value. Late last month, it was reported that the value of a Bitcoin was $92, a number that has now reached about $140. The constant rise in value of Bitcoin is more than enough to drive many devious hackers to get creative. So in order to protect yourself from being infected, make sure to get an anti-virus software, and keep it up-to-date. Also be wary of suspicious Skype messages and shortened URLs. We’ll keep you updated if there are any resolutions to this issue.

Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted

Δημοσιεύθηκε 7 Απριλίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Η.Π.Α., Ξενόγλωσσα

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Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City

  • Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted from the religious practice
  • Two deaths and two babies suffering brain damage have resulted
  • Department of health warns there being no safe way to perform the ritual that dates back more than 5,000 years

By Nina Golgowski

Two more infants have been infected with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City.

The latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly spread throughout its body.

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b’peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby’s penis to ‘cleanse’ the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus.

Contraction: The ultra-Orthodox practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus (file photo)Contraction: The ultra-Orthodox practice of metzitzah b’peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby’s penis to ‘cleanse’ the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus (file photo)

The department of health says one of the latest infants to contract the virus developed a fever and a lesion on its scrotum, seven days after the procedure. The boy later tested positive for HSV-1. That virus differs from HSV-2, the genital herpes, which is contracted during sexual intercourse.

‘A herpes infection in a newborn baby has the risk of leading to severe illness and death,’ Jay Varma, deputy commissioner for disease control at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene told ABC News.

‘The reason is that the baby doesn’t have the same fully developed immune system as an adult. Instead of staying in the genital area, it extends throughout different organs in the body,’ he explained.

He said it’s too soon to tell whether the boys will suffer permanent effects.

The identify of the rabbi who performed the circumcision is being withheld by the boys’ parents, preventing the health department to step in, they said.

Dangers: Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have resulted from the practice, two of which suffered brain damage and two others diedDangers: Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have resulted from the practice, two of which suffered brain damage and two others died

The religious practice that dates back to more than 5,000 years defies warning by the city’s department of health which says there is no safe way to perform the oral suction on an open wound.

More modern Jewish practices use a sterile aspiration device to clean the wound or a pipette opposed to the oral sucking.

But some rabbis stand grounded behind the practice, calling it a religious freedom while noting its long history.

In September the department voted to require parents to sign forms consenting to the risks of the practice after the death of two children who contracted the virus through the practice.

The parents of those newly infected boys are said to have not signed those forms.

According to Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive vice president of the Orthodox Jewish organization Agudath Israel of America, two-thirds of boys born in New York City’s Hasidic communities are circumcised in the oral suction matter.

The health department claims they’ve had complaints in past by parents who say they weren’t made aware that the oral practice would be performed on their child.

No Evidence Of Genocide

Δημοσιεύθηκε 26 Μαρτίου, 2013 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Israel, Ξενόγλωσσα

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Official Red Cross Records Show Holocaust Was a Fraud?

Saturday, March 16, 2013 10:05

(Before It’s News)

(NOTE: I am not a holocaust denier or an anti-semite I know this is a taboo topic but given the picture above and i’ve seen others, I feel the need to post it here on Beforeitsnews.  I love a good conspiray and that is what this is.  All I ask is that you keep as open a mind with this as you do with 9/11 or JFK. )

No Evidence Of Genocide

The Jews And The Concentration Camps:
A Factual Appraisal By The Red Cross.

There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany’s concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948.

This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l’activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frédéric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lies its great value.

The ICRC successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision.

The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as «Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, «Schutzhäftlinge»), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces» (Vol. 111, p. 73). These persons, it continues, «were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons.» (P.74).

The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and «from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons» (Vol. 111, p. 78). The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.

Red Cross Recipients Were Jews
The Report states that «As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps» (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. «Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews» (Vol. III, p. 83).

In the course of the war, «The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York» (Vol. I, p. 644). This latter organisation was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia.

The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, «where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto» (Vol. III, p. 75). According to the Report, «‘The Committee’s delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich … These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit» (Vol. I, p . 642).

The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded «in sending anything whatsoever to Russia» (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their «liberation» by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.

No Evidence Of Genocide

One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: «In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp …» (Vol. III, p. 83).

Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against «the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies» (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) – Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. «Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged» (Vol. III, p. 594).

Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the «aid given to the Jewish section of the free population,» and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the «thoroughness» of the supposed «extermination programme», and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing «every single Jew he could lay his hands on.»

For Greece, Oligarchs Are Obstacle to Recovery

Δημοσιεύθηκε 17 Δεκεμβρίου, 2012 από filopatria
Κατηγορίες: Greece, Ξενόγλωσσα

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For Greece, Oligarchs Are Obstacle to Recovery

By and
Published: December 5, 2012
ATHENS — A dynamic entrepreneur, Lavrentis Lavrentiadis seemed to represent a promising new era for Greece. He dazzled the country’s traditionally insular business world by spinning together a multibillion-dollar empire just a few years after inheriting a small family firm at 18. Seeking acceptance in elite circles, he gave lavishly to charities and cultivated ties to the leading political parties.

But as Greece’s economy soured in recent years, his fortunes sagged and he began embezzling money from a bank he controlled, prosecutors say. With charges looming, it looked as if his rapid rise would be followed by an equally precipitous fall. Thanks to a law passed quietly by the Greek Parliament, however, he avoided prosecution, at least for a time, simply by paying the money back.

Now 40, Mr. Lavrentiadis is back in the spotlight as one of the names on the so-called Lagarde list of more than 2,000 Greeks said to have accounts in a Geneva branch of the bank HSBC and who are suspected of tax evasion. Given to Greek officials two years ago by Christine Lagarde, then the French finance minister and now head of the International Monetary Fund, the list was expected to cast a damning light on the shady practices of the rich.

Instead, it was swept under the rug, and now two former finance ministers and Greece’s top tax officials are under investigation for having failed to act.

Greece’s economic troubles are often attributed to a public sector packed full of redundant workers, a lavish pension system and uncompetitive industries hampered by overpaid workers with lifetime employment guarantees. Often overlooked, however, is the role played by a handful of wealthy families, politicians and the news media — often owned by the magnates — that make up the Greek power structure.

In a country crushed by years of austerity and 25 percent unemployment, average Greeks are growing increasingly resentful of an oligarchy that, critics say, presides over an opaque, closed economy that is at the root of many of the country’s problems and operates with virtual impunity. Several dozen powerful families control critical sectors, including banking, shipping and construction, and can usually count on the political class to look out for their interests, sometimes by passing legislation tailored to their specific needs.

The result, analysts say, is a lack of competition that undermines the economy by allowing the magnates to run cartels and enrich themselves through crony capitalism. “That makes it rational for them to form a close, incestuous relationship with politicians and the media, which is then highly vulnerable to corruption,” said Kevin Featherstone, a professor of European Politics at the London School of Economics.

This week the anticorruption watchdog Transparency International ranked Greece as the most corrupt nation in Europe, behind former Eastern Bloc states like Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia. Under the pressure of the financial crisis, Greece is being pressed by Germany and its international lenders to make fundamental changes to its economic system in exchange for the money it needs to avoid bankruptcy.

But it remains an open question whether Greece’s leaders will be able to engineer such a transformation. In the past year, despite numerous promises to increase transparency, the country actually dropped 14 places from the previous corruption survey.

Mr. Lavrentiadis is still facing a host of accusations stemming from hundreds of millions of dollars in loans made by his Proton bank to dormant companies — sometimes, investigators say, ordering an employee to withdraw the money in bags of cash. But with Greece scrambling to complete a critical bank recapitalization and restructuring, his case is emblematic of a larger battle between Greece’s famously weak institutions and fledgling regulatory structures against these entrenched interests.

Many say that the system has to change in order for Greece to emerge from the crisis. “Keeping the status quo will simply prolong the disaster in Greece,” Mr. Featherstone said. While the case of Mr. Lavrentiadis suggests that the status quo is at least under scrutiny, he added, “It’s not under sufficient attack.”

In a nearly two-hour interview, Mr. Lavrentiadis denied accusations of wrongdoing and said that he held “a few accounts” at HSBC in Geneva that totaled only about $65,000, all of it legitimate, taxed income. He also sidestepped questions about his political ties and declined to comment on any details of the continuing investigation into Proton Bank.

Sitting in the office of his criminal lawyer last month, relaxed, smiling and dressed in a crisp blue suit and red-and-blue tie, Mr. Lavrentiadis said he found it puzzling that he had been singled out in reports about the Lagarde list when other powerful figures appeared to evade scrutiny.

“My question is, ‘Why me?’ ” he said. “I’m the scapegoat for everything.”

In the interview, Mr. Lavrentiadis depicted himself as an outsider and upstart, an entrepreneur in a small country dominated by old families who frown on newcomers. “I am not from a third-generation aristocratic family,” he said repeatedly.

Indeed, by some lights, Mr. Lavrentiadis fell in part because he rose too quickly and then failed to secure enough of the right friends to protect him, a perception he did not dispute.

“Why me, something that is clean, and why not something that has bigger problems?” he said. Pressed on who might be responsible for his troubles, he smiled enigmatically. “I could tell you thousands of names,” he said, “but it’s not my style.”

Mr. Lavrentiadis’s mettle was forged early, when he took the reins of his family’s chemical supply firm, Neochimiki, in 1990, after the death of his father. Bright and charming, and stricken with rheumatoid arthritis, he quickly enlarged the company and stormed into the Greek business world in 2003, when he listed the company on the Athens Stock Exchange. In 2008, the Carlyle Group, one of Wall Street’s largest asset management firms, paid more than $970 million for a stake in Neochimiki.

Over the next four years, Mr. Lavrentiadis built an empire that included holdings in pharmaceuticals, banks, a soccer team and works of art. He also took stakes in print and electronic news media outlets, following a pattern in which magnates own virtually every nongovernmental news media outlet in the country. But the veneer began to crack soon after the financial crisis hit. Carlyle lost more than $65 million on Neochimiki and accused Mr. Lavrentiadis of overstating its financial health. Cash was bleeding from a range of other business holdings.

In December 2009, four months before Greece sought a foreign bailout, Mr. Lavrentiadis bought a controlling stake in Proton Bank, which had expanded rapidly after acquiring a small bank called Omega in 2005. Omega’s board members included Mr. Lavrentiadis; the father-in-law at the time of Evangelos Venizelos, now the Socialist Party leader; and a brother of George Papandreou, a former prime minister.

Regulators now charge that from the moment Mr. Lavrentiadis took over Proton, he began looting it to prop up his failing businesses and those of a network of what appear to be shell companies. In 2010 alone, a total of $925 million in Proton’s commercial loans — more than 40 percent — were granted with virtually no credit checks to his firms or to shell companies he had sold to associates, according to an audit by Greece’s central bank, first reported by Reuters.

His problems burst into the public realm in mid-2011, when Greek financial prosecutors charged him with embezzling the $65 million, following investigations into suspected money laundering.

Several months earlier, however, lawmakers had quietly passed a law that allowed people suspected of wrongdoing to avoid prosecution if they repaid the money they were accused of stealing in certain crimes. The idea, legislators said, was to speed resolution of cases in Greece’s notoriously slow courts. Mr. Lavrentiadis quickly paid back the $65 million to Proton and claimed immunity.

Then in March, a financial prosecutor charged him and 26 others with fraud, embezzlement, forming a criminal gang, money laundering and breach of faith stemming from loans believed to have been issued by Proton Bank. The $65 million repaid by Mr. Lavrentiadis in a bid to secure immunity is regarded by prosecutors as only a part of the more than $915 million in bad loans that prosecutors say Proton floated to dormant companies.

Despite the fraud accusations against him, Mr. Lavrentiadis was still the beneficiary of questionable government actions. In July 2011, Mr. Venizelos, then the finance minister, authorized a $130 million deposit of government money to Proton for a single day, he says to avoid a calamitous collapse. The action was approved by the Greek central bank but was in defiance of a ruling by Greece’s General Accounting Office that it was illegal. The $130 million, plus interest, was returned to the government, Mr. Venizelos said in written answers to a list of questions.

“It was absolutely necessary to preserve Proton — not Lavrentiadis — in order to save huge amounts of public money,” added Mr. Venizelos, who resigned as finance minister in March. A month after the $130 million transfer, Mr. Venizelos was co-writer of a law that retroactively granted the finance minister full power to bail out banks with public money, regardless of the recommendations of other state institutions.

Mr. Venizelos said the law was necessary because “Greece had not had a clear legislative framework that could allow it to handle public deposits in crisis situations.” But legal experts said it was part of a broader pattern in Greece where actions by influential figures are later smoothed over with new legislation that eliminates any questions of illegality.

Mr. Lavrentiadis declined to comment on his ties with Mr. Venizelos, beyond saying, “I never asked a favor.”

In October 2011, Proton was nationalized. “I was shocked,” Mr. Lavrentiadis said, adding that he did not believe the bank’s finances merited the move. In March, he challenged the decision in the Supreme Court and is awaiting a ruling.

Asked if the Proton case was evidence of a regulatory system that was working or one that had failed, Mr. Lavrentiadis smiled. “It’s a regulated market without rules,” he said of Greece. “You can interpret it however it’s to your benefit.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: December 6, 2012

An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia. Those countries were members of the  Eastern Bloc, and what is now Slovakia was part of Czechoslovakia. They are not former Soviet states.

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